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Resident Evil 2: Daddy's Story

I love the game. There were a few changes to the layout that were a little disappointing, but it ain't nothing to cry about. I like that it was short. I also enjoy the indicators on the map to let you know this place isn't clear of iteams. The way the game is set up so the players can check those boxes is nearly perfect. But there's a point in the game where Mr. X (Tyrant) makes the game mentally exhausting. Great game design to get the player to progress through the story but it was unnerving. I wanted to explore more of the police station to unlock other things in the game but those heavy footsteps kept me on the run. At some point he stops and there's a clear indicator he ain't gonna bother you anymore until you progress through the story. I just didn't because I couldn't shake the idea I might be wrong. I haven't played the older version of the game in so long that I can't really say in confidence what changed in the story but I know there were some. I will play Claire's Story and the Ghost stories, at some point. The game did the job by stressing my days. So, I don't want to go through it again with Clair until I'm ready again. I'll give the game 9 out of 10. It condensed the game but took out some of the older stuff to make it make sense, I guess.


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